Top 3 Causes of Tooth Sensitivity

“I am experiencing tooth sensitivity, what do I need to do?”

You may be wondering,

“What is causing this tooth sensitivity?”

These are common dental questions that we are asked all the time here at McKinney-Graham.

If you come to us with concerns about tooth sensitivity here at McKinney-Graham Dental Arts, we’re going to spend some time with you and ask some questions that can help us determine the root cause of the sensitivity you are experiencing.

There can be many different causes of tooth sensitivity.

To determine the cause, we’ll ask, “What is the nature of the sensitivity?”

Here are the top 3 causes of tooth sensitivity…

Some simple causes of tooth sensitivity could be—

  • Maybe with time the gum has lowered around a tooth, and it’s caused a new area to be exposed that wasn’t exposed before. A lot of times things like good hygiene and added fluoride can help with sensitivity of this nature.

There are other times when tooth sensitivity might be the precursor to something going negative.

  • Is the tooth sensitive to biting? If so, you may have a cracked tooth that we need to give you a solution for.
  • Or perhaps there is a cavity that’s getting closer to a nerve that needs to be addressed.

The best thing you can do is be as specific as possible on the phone when you give us a call—this will help us to determine what kind of appointment you’re going to need right off the bat, and we can quickly get you the help you need.

When you come in for your appointment, we’re going to spend time with you so that we can figure out, “Is this a minor change, or is this tooth starting to tell us something that a bigger treatment needs to be prescribed?”

If you have any tooth sensitivity or questions about your teeth that you’d like to discuss with us, we’d love to talk with you! Click the contact button on this page to get in touch with us or give us a call. Schedule your dental wellness visit with us today!

At your dentist appointment, we’ll go over your dental needs, and discuss a dental treatment plan that will be ideal for you. Here at McKinney-Graham Dental Arts, we are proud to be a trusted restorative dentist office right here in Hickory, NC. We look forward to walking with you on your dental wellness journey!