
Invisalign Dentist & Orthodontics | Hickory, NC

Invisalign® Clear Aligners

The Clear Alternative to Braces

Are your crooked, gapped, or uneven teeth leaving you feeling embarrassed? Don’t hide your smile any longer! McKinney-Graham Dental Arts is an experienced Invisalign dental practice in Hickory, North Carolina, offering the best care in Invisalign® clear aligners orthodontics.

McKinney-Graham Dental Arts Dental Invisalign Specialist Hickory NC

Are your crooked, gapped, or uneven teeth leaving you feeling embarrassed?

Don’t hide your smile any longer!

Having a straight, healthy smile can increase your confidence and completely change the way you look and feel. McKinney-Graham Dental Arts NC is proud to offer our patients one of the most advanced cosmetic dental treatments available: Invisalign in Hickory, North Carolina. Invisalign is a clear and simple way to straighten your teeth so you can show off your smile! As an Invisalign dentist and provider, Dr. McKinney and Dr. Graham will create a customized plan just for you. Give us a call to schedule your free consultation!

Invisalign vs. Regular Braces

We use clear Invisalign aligners to gently move your teeth into place. Invisalign aligners are smooth, custom-made plastic trays that you wear over your teeth. You can pop them out at mealtime and keep enjoying all your favorite foods. Then, every two weeks or so, you’ll get another set of aligners until your treatment plan is complete. Best of all, no one will know you’re wearing orthodontics until they notice the difference in your smile. The aligners gradually move the teeth and allow for removal when eating, brushing and flossing. Call our office to learn more about Invisalign aligners.

Why Choose Invisalign?

Invisalign uses a series of invisible, removable, and comfortable aligners that no one can tell you’re wearing. So, you can smile more during treatment as well as after. Invisalign is made with 3D computer imaging technology and has been proven effective. Invisalign is the best clear alternative to braces!

The Benefits of Invisalign

Invisalign vs. Regular Braces

Aligners are invisible.

No one will know you’re wearing them except you.
Invisalign Teeth Straightening Cosmetic Dentist

Unlike braces, the aligners are removable.

Woman Eating an apple

You can eat and drink what you want while in orthodontic treatment.

Man flossing his teeth.

Brushing and flossing are easier than with traditional braces.

Woman Smiling with Straight Teeth

Invisalign is comfortable.

There are no metal braces to cause mouth abrasions.
Girl wearing traditional braces

No wires and braces to adjust.

You spend less time in the orthodontist’s chair.

Call to Schedule Your FREE Invisalign Consultation

What Is the Invisalign Treatment Process?

Invisalign Clear Aligners Treatment Process
Not every dentist in Hickory, North Carolina offers Invisalign. Dr. Kyle McKinney and Dr. Bryan Graham have received the proper training for administering Invisalign and can give you the well-crafted smile you’ve always dreamed about. Give us a call to set up your consultation to discuss whether this is the best option for you

Invisalign Outcome Simulator and PlanningCreate a Custom Plan

After discussing your smile goals with you, our team will use 3D imaging to map out your teeth and their current location, allowing them the ability to create a custom treatment plan for the movement of your teeth.

We’ll also reveal to you a virtual representation of how your teeth will look and move with each stage of treatment. While every case is specific for each individual, the treatment can take about a year for adults. For teens, the length is similar to that of traditional braces.

Invisalign Clear Aligners in PackagingReceive Your Clear Aligners

Next, you will receive your Invisalign trays. You will need to wear them 20-22 hours a day for maximum results. You will also need to progress through the different trays at a steady pace—normally one every week.

Routine Invisalign Orthodontics CheckupsRoutine Checkups

You will need to make routine checkups to ensure that your Invisalign treatment is on the right track. Every 6 weeks is often the most beneficial time, but it can vary.

Schedule a FREE Invisalign Consultation

If you are ready to improve your smile with Invisalign contact us today for your personalized consultation! Improve your smile today with Invisalign in Hickory, North Carolina. Contact McKinney-Graham Dental Arts NC at 828-328-5581 or email admin@mckinneygraham.com to schedule your appointment to discuss dental cosmetic options.

McKinney-Graham Dental Arts is a certified Invisalign provider offering everything you need to maintain and restore your healthy, beautiful smile – all in one location.

We are pleased to offer the best Invisalign orthodontics near you in Hickory, NC as well as comprehensive general dentistry and cosmetic dentistry in Catawba County.  You can feel confident that we can always provide the care your smile needs.

Hickory, NC Invisalign Orthodontics Office

We are dedicated to being a dental office for the whole family, meaning we know how to handle dental anxiety and how to make treatments as easy as possible for our patients, including children. Dr. McKinney and Dr. Graham, along with the rest of our skilled team, enjoy caring for patients of all ages at our office.

Invisalign Dentist Accepting New Patients

We always welcome new patients, from children and teenagers to adults and seniors, to visit our practice for the dental care you need to achieve and maintain optimal oral health. No matter your treatment, our goal is to keep you comfortable and relaxed. We work together with you to come up with the best solutions that work for you.

Schedule Your Invisalign Consultation

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“I love this dental office and highly recommend them. McKinney-Graham and staff are amazing. I just finished Invisalign and I am so thrilled with my results. If you don’t have the smile you want because you don’t like your teeth, call them for consultation. You will not be disappointed!”

Invisalign Teeth Straightening Cosmetic Dentist

- Mel T.

Invisalign Orthodontics Patient

Don’t Wait. Reach Out Today!

Let’s start this journey together!

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221 13th Ave Pl NW | Hickory, NC 28601