hickory tooth cleaningWhen we see you every six months for a checkup, we will do more than just examine your smile. We will conduct a dental cleaning to remove harmful buildup and help improve your oral health. At your Hickory, NC, dentist’s office, we can protect your gum health and fight cavities with a dental cleaning every six months.

The Impact of Plaque and Tartar Buildup

Over time, harmful oral bacteria in your mouth will consume the particles of sugar and starch left behind by the foods and drinks we consume. The process creates a sticky layer known as plaque, which coats the teeth and hardens with time into tartar. The buildup can weaken outer enamel to make the risk of cavities and infection more likely and can irritate and inflame gum tissues to create gingivitis and periodontal disease. Plaque and tartar are also linked to bad breath and stained teeth too. While brushing and flossing can limit how much plaque and tartar accumulates on your smile, only a professional cleaning can remove the layers completely, which is why we recommend one every six months.

The Dental Cleaning

When you have a cleaning every six months, our team will use an ultrasonic scaling device and a manual tool to gently and thoroughly break up and remove plaque and tartar from the teeth. The process only takes a few minutes, but prevents the layers of plaque and tartar from irritating and inflaming the gum tissues to cause gingivitis and/or periodontal disease. Otherwise, the disease could lead to sore, red gums that bleed easily, unsightly gum recession, a greater risk of cavities and infection, as well as tooth sensitivity, and of course, tooth loss for adults. But with routine maintenance, we can either prevent the disease or keep it managed to safeguard your smile’s health and stability.

Gum Evaluation

During your visit, we will conduct an exam that evaluates the health of your smile, looking at your teeth and of course, your gums. We watch for signs of inflammation and disease, as well as indicators that the bone tissue is being weakened due to disease. If our consultation identifies the presence of the disease, we may consider a deep cleaning, or scaling and root planing, which removes buildup, from both the teeth and the roots, destroying pockets of harmful bacteria and allows us to manage the disease moving forward with traditional cleanings every three to four months.

If you have any questions about how we protect your gum health and keep your smile whole and healthy, or if you need a cleaning, then contact our team.

Talk to Your Hickory, NC, Dentist About Preventive Dental Care

Our team wants to help you avoid issues like periodontal disease. To learn more about our general dental treatments, please contact our office in Hickory, NC, by calling (828) 328-5581.