“Is ‘Teeth in a Day’ Legit?”

You may have heard the term, “teeth in a day” and wondered…

“Is this legit? Is this for real? Can this be possible?”

Does “teeth in a day” sound too good to be true?

Today, we’re going to answer some common questions about teeth in a day, and we’ll tell you a little more about what teeth in a day is all about here at our practice in Hickory, NC.

“So, what’s teeth in a day?”

Teeth in a day is for a person who needs to replace their entire dentition with dental implants, and a new set of teeth. With the process of teeth in a day at McKinney-Graham, we can get you as close as we can get to giving you the smile you had naturally.

In the video, Dr. McKinney demonstrates,

“So, this is an upcoming patient we have. The first thing we’re going to do is get a 3D scan. This 3D x-ray allows us to look at everything—we look at tooth position, we look to see if there infections, we look at bone levels, we get to go through several different axes of views, and from this scan we can see, what’s the underlying foundation that makes this a possibility—”Am I a candidate for teeth in a day?” This is something that a lot of patients ask. This technology is going to give us the answer to that question.”

One thing that we always do here at McKinney-Graham, is we take some in-depth photographs. These photographs are for you, for us, and for our laboratory, so that we all can see the starting point, and ending point.

Dr. McKinney explains, “…this is why this particular patient is interested in a new smile…we can see a lot of infection, breaks, decay, and it’s gotten a little bit out of control for this patient, so we know ‘why’…the question is, ‘Can we do it?’”

Once we have answered, “Why do you want it?” and “Can you get it?” and “How do we proceed?” the next thing that we’re going to do, is get digital scans.

Dr. McKinney explains, “In this case, we got a digital impression on our CEREC Primescan, this allows us to have a 3D model of our patient represented in what we call an STL format—it’s a model that we can use to plan this patient’s case.

Next, the lab will take the photographs that we provide, and the physical model, and then they’re going to overlay these items with the 3D scan. They take this data, and together with the patient we’ll discuss, ‘What smile do we want to have?’ And there’s a certain series of photos that we’ll go through to help us get to that decision.


Once we know where you want your smile to be, then we can design backwards from there with the physical model that we scanned, overlay it onto a 3D x-ray that we took to qualify you as a candidate, and we can plan a guided case for implant placement, the teeth you’re going to have that day, so you walk in with condition A, but you’re going to walk out with a new set of teeth that day—this set will be your trial set of teeth—you don’t walk out with your final set of teeth that day, but you do walk out with a set of teeth—that’s a question I get all the time, “are we done?…


The answer is, we want to give you a healing set that is going to simulate exactly how your final set will be, but we want to give you that trial run…’Did we get the smile right, are their color changes you want to make, are there changes to tooth shape you want to make?’ It’s a cosmetic trial run, even though we did all of that planning work ahead of time, because I don’t want someone to want to be able to make a change and feel like they can’t.”

Teeth in a Day Dental Implants Before and After Pictures McKinney-Graham Dental Arts Hickory Implant Dentist

If you have issues with your teeth or have questions that you’d like to discuss with us about the process of getting teeth in a day, we’d love to talk with you! Click the contact button on this page to get in touch with us or give us a call at 828-328-5581. You can also email admin@mckinneygraham.com to set up your consultation.

We would love to help you create the well-crafted smile you deserve. At your dentist appointment, we’ll go over your dental needs, and discuss a dental treatment plan that will be ideal for you— whether we use the process of teeth in a day, or other areas of the dental arts. Here at McKinney-Graham Dental Arts, we are proud to be a trusted cosmetic and restorative dentist office right here in Hickory, NC. Tooth loss has affected your smile long enough! Take back your oral health and enjoy the lasting benefits of teeth in a day. We look forward to walking with you on your dental transformation journey!