“Are Dental Veneers right for me?

Am I a good candidate?”

Here at McKinney-Graham Dental Arts, Dental Veneers are one of our favorite ways to transform your smile. Not only can dental veneers can be transformative for your smile, they can be transformative for your life!

Let’s begin by going over the basics…

“What exactly are dental veneers?”

A Veneer is a porcelain coating that goes onto your teeth and replaces the outer enamel. It’s strong. It’s durable, and it’s cemented onto your teeth. Dental Veneers can change the shape, the color, and really restore that youthful appearance to your teeth. They rejuvenate your smile, and they can last a lifetime.

When you visit our Hickory, NC office and you’re interested in dental veneers, the first thing that we’re going to do is discuss your vision, and your goals.

“Am I a candidate for dental veneers?”

Are your teeth worn? Or maybe you don’t like the way that your front teeth look—the shape, the color. If so, you might be a good candidate for dental veneers here at McKinney-Graham.

Here at McKinney-Graham Dental Arts in Hickory, North Carolina, we have a lot of people ask us about the process of getting veneers.

Here are some common questions our patients ask…

“Are dental veneers painful?”

Veneers are not painful!

“What is the process of getting veneers?”

Usually a veneer is a couple-step process. First, you come into our Hickory office and we’ll prepare your teeth, which sometimes involves taking away a little of the outer enamel of the teeth, creating space for the veneers to sit.

In this video, Dr. Graham goes on to explain,

“After we prepare your teeth for veneers, we’ll make your temporaries. I always promise my patients, ‘…when you walk out with your temporaries, your temporaries are going to look better than what you came in here with.’ So even though there’s a period of time from the time we prepare your teeth, to the time we actually place your final veneers, it’s going to look fantastic.”


For the final part of the process, we’ll bring you back into the office a couple of weeks after we prepare the teeth. We design veneers that are custom created in our lab—totally characterized just for you. If you’ve got something specific to your teeth, we will make it match those perfectly, and we’ll get everything ready and place the veneers onto your teeth to replace the temporaries. After this step, your smile is totally restored!

If you have any interest in dental veneers, any questions that you’d like to discuss with us about the process of getting veneers, or any smile restoration question of any kind, we’d love to talk with you! Click the contact button on this page to get in touch with us or give us a call. Schedule your cosmetic dentistry appointment today!

At your dentist appointment, we’ll go over your dental needs, and discuss a dental treatment plan that will be ideal for you— whether we use dental veneers or other areas of the dental arts. Here at McKinney-Graham Dental Arts, we are proud to be a trusted cosmetic dentist office right here in Hickory, NC. We look forward to walking with you on your dental transformation journey!