Here at McKinney-Graham Dental Arts, we are all about transforming smiles, and transforming lives. It’s our passion!

One of the ways that we can greatly improve your smile is with the use of custom designed dental crowns.

So, what exactly are dental crowns?
In what cases are dental crowns most ideal?
How can we use Same Day Dental Crown technology to seamlessly transform your smile?

We’re excited to answer these questions for you! Here’s the gist on dental crowns…

A dental crown is designed to cover a damaged tooth like a cap that will restore the tooth to its natural size and function. We often use dental crowns for cracked, worn, or broken teeth. Crowns can also be used on teeth that have old fillings in them. With a crown, we are essentially replacing the enamel of the tooth—the protective coating that covers the tooth all the way around. A custom dental crown will help to hold your tooth in place, and it will prevent the tooth from breaking in the future.

Same Day Dental Crown at McKinney-Graham Dental Arts Hickory's Cosmetic Dentist

“So, how does the process of getting a crown work at McKinney-Graham Dental Arts? What can I expect with the dental crowns procedure?”

We use the latest and the greatest dental technology here at McKinney-Graham, which makes the process much easier, and less time-consuming for you, allowing for your smile transformation to flow smoothly and seamlessly.

Our advanced, state-of-the-art design process will save you a ton of time, so you’ll spend more time showing off your gorgeous new smile, and not near as much time sitting in our dentist chair.

Good news, right? We think so too.

With Same Day Crowns, here’s how it works…

When you come into our office in Hickory, North Carolina, we prepare the tooth, and we get it exactly how we want it—perfectly and precisely customized to fit your smile.

CEREC Technology at McKinney-Graham Dental Arts Hickory NC

In the process, we remove all of the decay from around the damaged tooth. After the disease is removed from your tooth, we then design your custom crown right here in the office lab using CEREC® Primescan Technology—all in one appointment! Using this innovative technology, we scan the tooth—no more old, goopy impressions like you’re used to at the dentist. Now, everything is digital, and we use this highly precise workflow from start to finish.

Once the tooth has been digitally scanned and designed, we create the tooth using a milling machine, which is also right here in our Hickory office. The crown is made of ceramic material, which is going to be the strongest, and most aesthetic crown—giving you the flawless smile you’ve always dreamed of having!

Getting a dental crown here at McKinney-Graham Dental Arts is an easy process, and it’s a quick process. In just minutes, we’ve got the final crown, and we’re ready to seat. We believe that our process here at McKinney-Graham, is far superior to the way crowns used to be created in the past.


Why are “Same Day” Crowns the way to go here at McKinney-Graham?

  1. Spend less time in the dentist chair with Same Day Crowns.

We LOVE getting to catch up with our patients, but we get it… who loves spending their time in the dentist chair?

In the past, when you come in for a crown, we would prepare your tooth for the crown, and then you would go home with a temporary. After around 3 or 4 weeks, you would come back into the office, and then we would give you the permanent crown. With a temporary crown, you might run into some issues during the waiting time. A temporary crown could debond, there might be issues with sensitivity, etc, but with Same Day Crowns, we can complete all of the necessary steps in just one appointment, thus, eliminating the need for a temporary crown, and all of the issues that could arise. With our Same Day crown process, you’re going home with a permanent crown that’s far stronger, and far better than anything we were making before.

  1. Less stress with our smooth Same Day Crown process.

With our Same Day Crown technology, you’re not having to take extra time off work to come in for multiple appointments. With our crown process, we save you a lot of stress and ton of time, making it as simple, stress-free, and easy as possible for you! This is one of the primary reasons why we invest in this level of technology here at McKinney-Graham—we have your time and your oral health in mind!

  1. Ultimate quality control from start to finish.

Better efficiency, quality design—all created within our local, in-house lab, right here in Hickory, NC.

With our in-house lab right here in Hickory, North Carolina, we can give you the very best quality, as we have full control of the design process from start to finish. With our in-house lab, we no longer need to send your crown off to a lab that is 20 or 30 minutes away. No more time wasted in transit!

Also, when sending crowns off to a lab, there can be issues with the crown when it comes back, which means sending the crown back to the lab, and taking even more of your time. With our Same Day Crown process, if anything should need to be adjusted—for example, if we need to stain, or further personalize the crown for you, we can quickly take care of it right here in the office.

  1. How long do dental crowns last? Our Same Day Crowns are made with high quality material that is designed to strengthen and stand the test of time.

We use only the very best material for our patients! While there are a variety of dental crown types, here at McKinney-Graham Dental Arts, the crowns that we create are ceramic. These kinds of crowns are the prettiest, most aesthetic crowns that we can make, and we use the latest ceramics in doing that—zirconium, lithium disilicate—they’re the latest and the greatest in dentistry. The crowns we design are strong, they’re aesthetic, they look great, they’re long lasting.  And for us, we believe they’re the best materials we can use.

We can remake and restore a smile with crowns, especially with the level of technology that we have today. If you have old, broken-down, porcelain-fused to metal crowns, the newer technologies that we have now are significantly more aesthetic, and we can replace those old, porcelain-fused to metal crowns with newer, more modern, more aesthetic anterior crowns, which can really transform a smile.

What are the benefits of CEREC® Same Day Dental Crowns?

  • Permanent Crown in one day
  • Replace teeth that are missing
  • Flawless, natural appearance
  • Custom-designed to fit your smile
  • Resolves any chewing problems
  • Durable and long-lasting
  • Strengthening to the teeth
  • Greatly improves your smile!

If you have issues with your teeth or have questions that you’d like to discuss with us about the process of crowns, we’d love to talk with you! Click the contact button on this page to get in touch with us or give us a call. Schedule your Same Day Crown appointment today!

At your dentist appointment, we’ll go over your dental needs, and discuss a dental treatment plan that will be ideal for you— whether we use dental crowns or other areas of the dental arts. Here at McKinney-Graham Dental Arts, we are proud to be a Same Day Dental Crown office right here in Hickory, NC.

We look forward to walking with you on your dental transformation journey!