Dental Sealants: Do you need them?

Dental sealants are a preventative measure to protect your teeth from decay. At McKinney-Graham Dental Arts, we are passionate about helping you maintain the healthiest, well-crafted smile possible. Tooth sealants are one of the many ways we accomplish this goal at our Hickory dentist office.

Why get dental sealants?

Practicing good dental hygiene by brushing twice a day and flossing at least once is great, but tooth brushes cannot reach deep into the grooves of the teeth to remove food particles, making these areas susceptible to decay. You can protect these vulnerable areas with dental sealants.

Dental Sealants: Do you need them? Sealants at McKinney-Graham Dental Arts Hickory NC

Though children and teenagers are more often candidates for this treatment because their premolars and molars are more susceptible to cavities when they first come in, both children and adults can benefit from dental sealants to protect their teeth from cavity-causing bacteria.

What are dental sealants?

Dental sealants “seal” the deep grooves of the tooth, acting as a barrier against plaque. They are often applied to the premolars and molars in the back of the mouth—the most vulnerable areas.

Dental sealants in Hickory, North Carolina are easy and quick to apply. They are simply painted onto the tooth, and the sealant bonds to the depressions of the tooth in a matter of minutes.

Dental Sealants: Do you need them? Sealants at McKinney-Graham Dental Arts Hickory NC

Dental Sealants in Hickory, North Carolina

At McKinney-Graham Dental Arts NC, we are committed to providing the residents of our little town and surrounding areas with high-quality dental procedures and preventative measures. Have you had your regular dental cleaning appointment? Schedule an appointment at our Hickory dentist office today.

Dental Sealants: What do they do? McKinney-Graham Dental Arts Hickory's Family Dentist

If you have any questions, leave us a comment below or give us a call, we’d love to talk with you! We’ll respond to to your questions, and we’d love to have an opportunity to meet you and see you here at McKinney-Graham Dental Arts. When you visit for your appointment, we’ll discuss a dental treatment plan that will be ideal for you.