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Who should consider Cosmetic Dentistry?

Who should consider Cosmetic Dentistry?

Who should consider Cosmetic Dentistry?

McKinney-Graham Dental Arts —Hickory’s Cosmetic Dentist

Enhance Your Smile —Boost self-confidence and look your very best!


Looking to improve your smile? Do you have teeth that are chipped or cracked?

Have your teeth become stained and discolored over time? You’ve come to the right place. McKinney-Graham Dental Arts in Hickory, NC is committed to giving you that well-crafted smile you’ve always dreamed about.

The art of cosmetic dentistry is responsible for the fabulous, dazzling smiles you see today. A beautiful, bright, healthy smile will increase self-confidence and overall life satisfaction.

We combine the latest technology with a thorough understanding of dental anatomy to give you the warm, engaging smile you’ve always wanted. If you’d like to change the appearance of your mouth, teeth and smile, connect with us today to discuss a variety of options, from simple color correction to replacing missing teeth. Your perfect smile is just a phone call away.

Who should consider Cosmetic Dentistry?

Patients should consider cosmetic dentistry to correct the following problems:

If you have questions about cosmetic dentistry and how it can change your smile and your life, schedule a smile design meeting today. One of our dentists will examine your teeth, gums, and bite, and discuss a variety of options to achieve a more beautiful smile.

What Cosmetic Dental procedures are offered?

Here are a few of the dental cosmetic treatments that we provide patients:

Tooth Bonding

Tooth bonding is when a dentist applies tooth-colored resin material to the tooth to improve its appearance. It is called “bonding” because this material bonds to the tooth. Cover tooth chips or fractures or improve the shape of your teeth with this treatment.

Dental Veneers

Dental veneers conservatively cover the surface of the tooth, mimicking the strength and look of real teeth. Veneers can be used to correct a wide variety of dental flaws, such as chipped or broken teeth, misaligned teeth, and severe staining or discoloration. They are often used to improve the shape or color of teeth with beautiful cosmetic outcomes.

Teeth Whitening

Let your pearly whites shine their brightest. Over time, nearly everyone’s teeth become stained and worn from food, drinks, medication and personal habits such as smoking. Sometimes our teeth just aren’t as white and we’d like them. When regular brushing and flossing aren’t enough, talk to us about teeth whitening options. A professional teeth whitening treatment can restore your teeth to their natural appearance while boosting your self-confidence and making you look more attractive and even younger.

Invisalign/Clear Aligner Orthodontics

A great alternative to braces, clear aligner orthodontics will help put your teeth in their proper positioning. Also known as Invisalign, this treatment uses clear aligners that move the teeth in a similar way to braces but without the uncomfortable brackets and metal wires.

Give us a call, we’re here to help! Hickory appreciates what is “well-crafted,” and we believe that’s exactly how our teeth should be. Two premier Hickory dentists join together as McKinney-Graham Dental Arts—in our state-of-the-art facility—to provide YOU with quality cosmetic treatments and comprehensive dental care for our Hickory community.

????: 828-328-5581

221 13th Avenue Place NW, Hickory, NC 28601

Open Monday – Friday, 8 AM – 5 PM

IG: @mgdentalartsnc

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